NAC Services

PCA is a Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC), funded through the Office of Housing and Community Development. The NAC service area covers from Washington Avenue on the north, the Deleware River on the east, Snyder Avenue on the south, and Fourth Street on the west side.

PCA provides the following services as part of the NAC:

  • Providing information on Office of Housing and Community Development Programs (OHCDP) and Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC).
  • Preparing rent and property tax rebate forms.
  • Preparing Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Elderly (PACE) forms.
  • Preparing energy assistance applications.
  • Assisting with medical forms including bills.
  • Assisting with food stamp applications.
  • Assisting senior citizens with social security letters and problems.
  • Preparing senior citizen water discount applications.
  • Providing referrals for obtaining housing, lodging complaints, and locating various city services.



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